Baba Imhotep
About Baba Imhotep Asis Fatiu
Baba Imhotep is the Founder and Minister-of-Operations of the Pan-Afrikan Liberation Movement (PLM). He is a Co-founder and Executive Director of the UrBan Youth Initiative Project (a non-profit youth organization working with youth ages 6-12). He is the founder of the Race 1 st Movement, Kimoyo Shule Africana (Weekend School) and co-founder of Ipet Isut: bookstore and Cultural Center.
Baba Imhotep is a Community Organizer, Social Transformer, lecturer, Educator, Certified Mediator, Organizational Consultant, Relationship Coach, Violence Interventionist Specialist, Author, Emotional Intelligence Instructor, Scientific Pan-Africanist and Self-prescribed UrBan Philosopher. Lastly, Baba Imhotep has been successfully married to Mama Ife Fatiu for over 17 years. Baba Imhotep’s lifelong mission is African Sovereignty.

Baba Imhotep Books
Baba Imhotep is a native of Biltmore City and his lifelong mission is African Sovereignty.