Scholars have chosen this work as culturally significant, and it is now part of the knowledge base of civilisation as we know it. This work was created from the original artifact and is as close to the original as possible. Since a result, the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been stored in our world's…
African Life and Customs is a must-have compilation of Edward Wilmont Blyden's papers about African society's socioeconomic structure. Blyden (1832-1912), a native of St. Thomas, West Indies, spent the majority of his life in the African continent. He was a skilled educator, linguist, writer, and global traveler who passionately championed Africa's and its people's distinctive characteristics. Blyden looked at the…
Africans established the foundations for educational brilliance, but anti-African think groups, academicians, and others have worked to erase and repress this heritage. African Power advocates for a better understanding and use of traditional African socialization processes, arguing that they are still relevant today. African Power also advocates for a rejection of educational paradigms that are alien, ineffective, and harmful to…
Ifa Orisa is a fictional character. Spirituality is a West African traditional wisdom tradition rooted in nature and history. Isese (Ee Shay Shay) is a term used in Ifa spirituality to describe the wisdom passed down from our spiritual forefathers and mothers. Descendants of African Diaspora exiled by the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade are seeking spiritual change and empowerment by returning…
The writers emphasize the significance of this African custom. Kindezi (babysitting) and ndezi (babysitters) give a great dea l of value and service to both society and the individual kid, resulting in a strong, unified community.
Visions for Black Men provided a lifeline for me, challenging me to construct a masculinity strategy beyond the language of manhood.I can tell you that Visions was one of the many tools I needed to start a path of Manhood that has not ended yet, and that I hope will never do so.It was my go-to text for years when…
A must-read for all those interested in developing and expanding spiritually, those truly concerned with their spiritual evolution need to read this book
Every day, warrior scholars require words that force them to reflect on the importance of what they must perform. Every day, determined revolutionaries must clarify and improve the nature of their contribution to Afrikans. Every day, conscious employees need to have their ideas heard and their intentions confirmed by like-minded others. Those who would die for us should be reminded…
Every day, warrior scholars require words that force them to reflect on the importance of what they must perform. Every day, determined revolutionaries must clarify and improve the nature of their contribution to Afrikans. Every day, conscious employees need to have their ideas heard and their intentions confirmed by like-minded others. Those who would die for us should be reminded…
Orishas, Goddesses, and Voodoo Queens teaches you how to honor and nurture the characteristics of these goddesses, allowing you to draw on their abilities to strengthen your own life. The book includes magical spells, rituals, potions, astrological correspondences, sacred gifts, and much more, in addition to a guided tour of the important goddesses of African religious traditions.
The Sankofa Movement is a powerful declaration of faith in traditional Afrikan culture's ability to offer the foundation and framework for full human growth, as it has done for several million years of humanity's historical existence.
Polygyny was practiced in approximately 80% of the globe's civilizations prior to European global dominance, according to We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves. It has been practiced throughout Western history and continues to be practiced now in the United States, but in ways that demoralize women and harm marriages and families. Dr. Patricia Dixon suggests open…