The father of African Studies, William Leo Hansberry, investigates ancient allusions to the African continent and its inhabitants in African and Africans As Seen by Classical Writers, the second of two pioneering books. In a vibrant and extremely accessible style, the works of Homer, Pliny, Ovid, Virgil, Herodotus, and others are debated and studied.
This book demonstrates that the roots of contemporary Western thinking, theory, and practice may be traced back to ancient African thought, theory, and practice, as well as the impact of African thought on Greek and Roman philosophy and the creation of modern Western culture. The importance of defending and honoring the contribution of Ancient African civilizations in this momentous event…
Let the Circle Be Unbroken is the sequel to the widely praised Roll of Thunder, chronicling the narrative of the Logan family in Mississippi during the Great Depression. The kids, particularly Cassie, are content in their warm, secure home, but there is an atmosphere of fear and anxiety outside. T.J., one of their friends, is put on trial for murder…
Maggie and John Anderson were prosperous African American professionals who lived in a posh Chicago suburb with their two kids. However, they were concerned about their good fortune. The majority of African Americans reside in economically depressed areas. Black wealth is around one-tenth that of white wealth, and black firms behind all other racial groupings in every metric of performance.…
Iyanla Vanzant, a New York Times best-selling author, recounts the last ten years of her life and the spiritual lessons she is learned—from the cost of success during her meteoric rise as a TV celebrity on Oprah, the Iyanla TV show (produced by Barbara Walters), to the dissolution of her marriage and her daughter's 15-month illness and death on Christmas…
Florence Tate's memoir, Sometimes Farmgirls Become Revolutionaries, details her political work and career, from her early days as one of the first black reporters at the Dayton Daily News to her current position as communications director for political organizations such as the ALDCC (African Liberation Day Coordinating Committee) and the National Urban Coalition. Her time as Marion Barry's communications director…
We will not be able to achieve sovereignty until we first recognize and grasp the power necessary to build and maintain it. However, if we take the time to seek for it inside ourselves and tap into our ancestral memory, accessing, mobilizing, and using our power toward this purpose is not as tough as it may appear. Sovereignty and Remembrance…
If we tune into, and add to, our mental diets, the liberating concepts supplied for us in The Browder File, we can be directed to act in our own best interests as a community. No one or no group outside of our own is likely to recognize our need for a collective consciousness rebirth.