This book reveals the magnificent history and heritage of Africa, destroying, once and for all, the centuries-old, still lingering myth that Africa "was a continent without history." Here is a fascinating account of the Africans from the 8th to the 16th century, highlighted by the successive rise of three Sudanese empires that at their height were the equal of any…
The father of African Studies, William Leo Hansberry, investigates ancient allusions to the African continent and its inhabitants in African and Africans As Seen by Classical Writers, the second of two pioneering books. In a vibrant and extremely accessible style, the works of Homer, Pliny, Ovid, Virgil, Herodotus, and others are debated and studied.
Dr. Ben debunks stereotypes about the inferiority and primitiveness of indigenous African peoples and their descendants in a lecture/essay style. Here's where you can get Africa, Mother of Western Civilization.
Osei investigates African contributions to the arts, sciences, philosophy, and religion. He does it by chronicling and weaving a historical framework. Osei was a self-taught historian who was well-versed in a wide range of books and papers regarding ancient and modern Africa.
It was first published in 1954, at a time when there were few publications on African history written by Africans. The book was written in response to conventional and frequently racist histories of Africa. It was an intimate history of Africa and its ancient civilizations. African Glory continues to provide a vivid and dynamic connection to the African past half…
African Life and Customs is a must-have compilation of Edward Wilmont Blyden's papers about African society's socioeconomic structure. Blyden (1832-1912), a native of St. Thomas, West Indies, spent the majority of his life in the African continent. He was a skilled educator, linguist, writer, and global traveler who passionately championed Africa's and its people's distinctive characteristics. Blyden looked at the…
In his widely acclaimed survey, John Mbiti sheds light on the survival and prosperity of African Religion in different historical, geographical, sociological, cultural, and physical environments. He presents a constellation of African worldviews, beliefs in God, use of symbols, valued traditions, and practices that have taken root with African peoples throughout the vast continent. Mbiti's accessible writing style sympathetically portrays…
Ifa Orisa is a fictional character. Spirituality is a West African traditional wisdom tradition rooted in nature and history. Isese (Ee Shay Shay) is a term used in Ifa spirituality to describe the wisdom passed down from our spiritual forefathers and mothers. Descendants of African Diaspora exiled by the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade are seeking spiritual change and empowerment by returning…
This book portrays African Americans' strengths, shortcomings, achievements, and blunders in a Black history textbook that extends beyond "Negro" to African history. It includes exam questions and vocabulary exercises, and it is beautifully illustrated.
"The importance of excellent health cannot be overstated. This is the book for you if you are sick and tired of being ill and exhausted. Dr. K. Kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau offers an astonishing and innovative thesis in Self-Healing Power and Therapy, which successfully integrates centuries-old Black African medicinal traditions with modern medicine concepts. The Bantu-Kongo teachings on the art of…
We will not be able to achieve sovereignty until we first recognize and grasp the power necessary to build and maintain it. However, if we take the time to seek for it inside ourselves and tap into our ancestral memory, accessing, mobilizing, and using our power toward this purpose is not as tough as it may appear. Sovereignty and Remembrance…
This uncompromising classic challenges the concept that civilisation began in Greece, attempting to demonstrate that the original inventors of Greek philosophy were Egyptians, not Greeks. The poem contends that the acclaim and glory that have been lavished on the Greeks for millennia belong to the people of Africa, and that the theft of this magnificent African inheritance has led to…
"[Exposes] the role Eurocentric history-writing plays in rationalizing European oppression of Afrikan peoples and in the falsification of Afrikan consciousness ... [and contends] that the alleged mental and behavioral maladaptiveness of oppressed Afrikan peoples is a political-economic necessity for the maintenance of White domination and imperialism." —From the back cover.
The Osiris Papers: Reflections on the Life and Writings of Dr. Frances Cress Welsing is the first in a series of treatises examining Dr. Frances Cress Welsing's life, theories, and achievements. Some of these works will be hagiographic in nature. Some may be critical, but all will contribute to our knowledge of one of Africa's finest intellectuals in the last…
Examines religion as a tool of resistance. Specifically analyzes the role of religion in maintaining the identity of Blacks in North America and the Caribbean.
The Sankofa Movement is a powerful declaration of faith in traditional Afrikan culture's ability to offer the foundation and framework for full human growth, as it has done for several million years of humanity's historical existence.
Ubuntu For Warriors overturns commonly held epistemological premises of the philosophy of ubuntu. Chasi goes further to uncover and position ubuntu as a resource for counterhegemonic struggles. It is a must read not only for all those interested in taking African philosophy but also and especially for all those warriors involved in moving African epistemologies to the centre.
The Wretched of the Earth is a great examination of colonial people's mentality and their route to independence. The book incisively attacks the twin perils of p ost-independence colonial politics: the disenfranchisement of the masses by the elites on the one hand, and intertribal and interfaith animosities on the other, providing unique insight into the rage and frustration of colonized…