In 1967, this groundbreaking essay revealed the depths of institutional racism in the United States and laid out a radical political framework for change: real and permanent social change could only be achieved via African-American solidarity and independence from the current order. 25 years after it was originally published, this evocative testament of the civil rights struggle remains a work…
Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in Maryland in 1818, and once he discovered that knowledge meant power, he surreptitiously learnt to read and write to give himself an advantage. He made dramatic talks about his experience as a slave after fleeing to the North in 1838. He made such an impression on President Abraham Lincoln that he became one…
Nobody predicted George Washington Carver's success when he was born in Missouri in the 1860s. Slaves were not permitted to attend school.Carver returned to school after the Civil War and excelled as a student. He was the first black student and later the first black professor at Iowa State Agricultural College. He went on to Tuskegee Institute, where he studied…