This classic, now in its 30th printing, help in analyzing, archaeological, and anthropological evidence for the notion t hat ancient Egypt was a black culture.
Africans established the foundations for educational brilliance, but anti-African think groups, academicians, and others have worked to erase and repress this heritage. African Power advocates for a better understanding and use of traditional African socialization processes, arguing that they are still relevant today. African Power also advocates for a rejection of educational paradigms that are alien, ineffective, and harmful to…
While much is known about the anti-slavery movement's white participants, the black abolitionists have received less attention. This book, authored by one of the country's foremost black historians, corrects the record. As Benjamin Quarles demonstrates, blacks in the abolitionist movement were far from quiet. Many of the abolitionists were black; scores of black preachers and authors actively advocated the cause;…
In 1967, this groundbreaking essay revealed the depths of institutional racism in the United States and laid out a radical political framework for change: real and permanent social change could only be achieved via African-American solidarity and independence from the current order. 25 years after it was originally published, this evocative testament of the civil rights struggle remains a work…
David Walker's Appeal is a resolutely African-centered rhetoric that criticizes white injustice and promotes Black self-reliance. Its release in 1830 heightened the discussion and opposition against slavery. The Appeal is a foundational document from which many present topics in Black political philosophy have grown. It is more than a protest against slavery.
Chancellor Williams spent sixteen years researching and field studying The Destruction of Black Civilization. The book was supposed to be ""a universal struggle against the covert message from even the most 'liberal' white authors (and their Negro disciples): 'You belong to a race of nobodies.'" You have no significant history to be proud of.'" " The book was published at…
The relevance of Afrikan-centered education in the emancipation of Afrikan people is emphasized in this book. The ineffective education that Black students receive as a result of white supremacy ensures that we continue to assist white people in maintaining their control. The Black Bourgeoisie and its white liberal partners are pushing for this shoddy education. Children require an education that…
Traditional African education and socialization procedures were anchored on a worldview that believed in human perfectibility, that humans may really become more like God. The lowest degree of schooling was basic skills. Character development, humanism, and spirituality were greater degrees of achievement.
We will not be able to achieve sovereignty until we first recognize and grasp the power necessary to build and maintain it. However, if we take the time to seek for it inside ourselves and tap into our ancestral memory, accessing, mobilizing, and using our power toward this purpose is not as tough as it may appear. Sovereignty and Remembrance…