Gerald Massey, an intellectual and freethinker, turned his considerable study in the subject of Egyptology into A Book of the Beginnings, a daring declaration that ancient Egypt is the genesis of all civilisation. His claims, which were revolutionary at the time—nearly a century before the finding of three-million-year-old human remains in Africa—resonate loudly now, as molecular biology makes matching discoveries…
Asafo is an in-depth Afrikan-centered debate about what it takes to be a man in Africa. The author sets out our sources of power as well as the skills that must be gained, mastered, and employed if we are to retake our rightful place as warrior scholars in the fight to build safe, holy, and empowered environments for our families…
A native of St. Thomas, West Indies, Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912) lived most of his life on the African continent. He was an accomplished educator, linguist, writer and world traveller, who strongly defended the unique character of Africa and its people. Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race is an essential collection of his writings on race, culture, and the African…
The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child, the first of a series of books on black children's growth, development, and education, is the first book to focus only on the physical and psychological development of black children in a scientific yet accessible manner.
"Cheikh Anta Diop has posed the question of whether the African philosophical tradition may serve as a model for a philosophy that is more sensitive to human needs than the many messages offered by European philosophy. This book is unquestionably a contribution to that endeavor. What one discovers here is not only a significant challenge to the Eurocentric interpretation of…
Identity is a sociological assessment of who we are in this society, and who we should be, via an Afrikan viewpoint. It is crucial to be familiar with the notions defining fundamental social phenomena as they directly connect to us as people and communities in order to advance appropriately. Definitions are essential to any logical, useful description of society and…
In his widely acclaimed survey, John Mbiti sheds light on the survival and prosperity of African Religion in different historical, geographical, sociological, cultural, and physical environments. He presents a constellation of African worldviews, beliefs in God, use of symbols, valued traditions, and practices that have taken root with African peoples throughout the vast continent. Mbiti's accessible writing style sympathetically portrays…
Traditional African education and socialization procedures were anchored on a worldview that believed in human perfectibility, that humans may really become more like God. The lowest degree of schooling was basic skills. Character development, humanism, and spirituality were greater degrees of achievement.
This uncompromising classic challenges the concept that civilisation began in Greece, attempting to demonstrate that the original inventors of Greek philosophy were Egyptians, not Greeks. The poem contends that the acclaim and glory that have been lavished on the Greeks for millennia belong to the people of Africa, and that the theft of this magnificent African inheritance has led to…
This is the classic history of African peoples in Africa and the New World, a debunking of the erroneous post-Civil War assumption that Africans had no civilization beyond the one imposed on them by their slave traders. DuBois, one of America's greatest writers, lays out in easy-to-read, nonacademic prose the striking and illustrious story of Africa's complex history and varied…
Examines religion as a tool of resistance. Specifically analyzes the role of religion in maintaining the identity of Blacks in North America and the Caribbean.