Gerald Massey, an intellectual and freethinker, turned his considerable study in the subject of Egyptology into A Book of the Beginnings, a daring declaration that ancient Egypt is the genesis of all civilisation. His claims, which were revolutionary at the time—nearly a century before the finding of three-million-year-old human remains in Africa—resonate loudly now, as molecular biology makes matching discoveries…
This classic, now in its 30th printing, help in analyzing, archaeological, and anthropological evidence for the notion t hat ancient Egypt was a black culture.
Gerald Massey's first two Egyptology series flipped conventional wisdom on its head, arguing that Egypt not only founded human civilization, but that Egyptian mythology formed the foundation for Jewish and Christian beliefs. Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World is Massey's crown treasure, the culmination of his years of scholarly effort. Massey, ever the intrepid escort, leads a tour through…
"Cheikh Anta Diop has posed the question of whether the African philosophical tradition may serve as a model for a philosophy that is more sensitive to human needs than the many messages offered by European philosophy. This book is unquestionably a contribution to that endeavor. What one discovers here is not only a significant challenge to the Eurocentric interpretation of…
A selection and retranslation of the world's oldest religious scripture, with critical commentary on the breadth of African spiritual achievement and legacy in ancient Egypt. We read the first recorded record of humanity's organised consciousness concerning spirituality and ethics in this selection. For the first time in human history, the notions of Maat (truth, justice, and rightness), humanity created in…