"Cheikh Anta Diop has posed the question of whether the African philosophical tradition may serve as a model for a philosophy that is more sensitive to human needs than the many messages offered by European philosophy. This book is unquestionably a contribution to that endeavor. What one discovers here is not only a significant challenge to the Eurocentric interpretation of…
This book demonstrates that the roots of contemporary Western thinking, theory, and practice may be traced back to ancient African thought, theory, and practice, as well as the impact of African thought on Greek and Roman philosophy and the creation of modern Western culture. The importance of defending and honoring the contribution of Ancient African civilizations in this momentous event…
Yurugu dismantles the European mask and unveils the underlying workings of global white supremacy, a system that ensures Europe's and her successors' domination over the vast majority of the world's peoples. From an African viewpoint, examines the impact of European culture on the construction of contemporary institutional frameworks via colonialism and imperialism.