This book reveals the magnificent history and heritage of Africa, destroying, once and for all, the centuries-old, still lingering myth that Africa "was a continent without history." Here is a fascinating account of the Africans from the 8th to the 16th century, highlighted by the successive rise of three Sudanese empires that at their height were the equal of any…
Scholars have chosen this work as culturally significant, and it is now part of the knowledge base of civilisation as we know it. This work was created from the original artifact and is as close to the original as possible. Since a result, the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been stored in our world's…
Dr. Ben debunks stereotypes about the inferiority and primitiveness of indigenous African peoples and their descendants in a lecture/essay style. Here's where you can get Africa, Mother of Western Civilization.
Dr. Ben's 1970 book African Origins of the Major "Western Religions" remains one of his most thought-provoking publications. This rigorous investigation of history, ideas, and myths is still relevant and informative. Dr. Ben unveils an unseen history that has been hushed up by the White race and the rest of the globe by revealing the African influences and roots of…
The author flipped the hagiography of many prior American historians on its head in this landmark work. Unlike those writers who emphasized idealistic impulses as a role in defining the framework of American government, Beard questioned the Founding Fathers' objectives in crafting the Constitution and saw the outcome as a product of economic self-interest.
A native of St. Thomas, West Indies, Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912) lived most of his life on the African continent. He was an accomplished educator, linguist, writer and world traveller, who strongly defended the unique character of Africa and its people. Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race is an essential collection of his writings on race, culture, and the African…
Chancellor Williams spent sixteen years researching and field studying The Destruction of Black Civilization. The book was supposed to be ""a universal struggle against the covert message from even the most 'liberal' white authors (and their Negro disciples): 'You belong to a race of nobodies.'" You have no significant history to be proud of.'" " The book was published at…
The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child, the first of a series of books on black children's growth, development, and education, is the first book to focus only on the physical and psychological development of black children in a scientific yet accessible manner.
Rosemari Mealy, along with authors Elombe Brath, LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka), Sarah E. Wright, and Bill Epton, assemble the experiences of a number of people who played major parts in this historic meeting in this compact but vital anthology, first published in 1993. They contribute their own opinions on the two leaders and the revolutionary movements they sparked, as historians,…
This book portrays African Americans' strengths, shortcomings, achievements, and blunders in a Black history textbook that extends beyond "Negro" to African history. It includes exam questions and vocabulary exercises, and it is beautifully illustrated.
After ten years of introspection following his formal liberation in 1846 and his separation with his mentor William Lloyd Garrison, ex-slave Frederick Douglass's second autobiography thrust him into the international limelight as the leading advocate for American blacks, both free and slave. My Bondage and My Freedom was written during Frederick Douglass' illustrious career as a speaker and newspaper editor,…
IN ETHIOPIAN HISTORY, PILLARS, Volume I of William Leo Hansberry's African History Notebook Joseph E. Harris edited the book. The four pieces in Volume I, better defined as narrative histories, are taken from William Leo Hansberry's private documents and decode and extract the foundations of Ethiopia's unity from the tangle of myth, folklore, and bogus historical material.
Sieze The Time is Bobby Seale's gripping first-person narrative of the emergence of The Black Panther Party as a national organization. Seale is a veteran activist and co-founder of The Black Panther Party. The book "...continues to have a universal apppeal as an account of an oppressed people's struggle for human liberation." according to Seale.
Florence Tate's memoir, Sometimes Farmgirls Become Revolutionaries, details her political work and career, from her early days as one of the first black reporters at the Dayton Daily News to her current position as communications director for political organizations such as the ALDCC (African Liberation Day Coordinating Committee) and the National Urban Coalition. Her time as Marion Barry's communications director…
We will not be able to achieve sovereignty until we first recognize and grasp the power necessary to build and maintain it. However, if we take the time to seek for it inside ourselves and tap into our ancestral memory, accessing, mobilizing, and using our power toward this purpose is not as tough as it may appear. Sovereignty and Remembrance…
This uncompromising classic challenges the concept that civilisation began in Greece, attempting to demonstrate that the original inventors of Greek philosophy were Egyptians, not Greeks. The poem contends that the acclaim and glory that have been lavished on the Greeks for millennia belong to the people of Africa, and that the theft of this magnificent African inheritance has led to…
The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was the most effective grassroots black revolutionary group in American history — but one whose legend, replayed in sensationalized news stories, a major movie, and countless publications, has outlived the group itself. Featuring never-before-published reflections from former members as well as tables and illustrations, this pioneering collection of essays examines this unique organization in…
In this work, Woodson chronicles the educational endeavors of Africans in America before the Civil War. He does so with the hope of “narrating in brief how benevolent teachers of both races strove to give antebellum Negroes the education through which many of them gained freedom in its highest and best sense.”
Race vindication has long been a prominent issue in the minds of African-Americans in the United States... The Haitian Revolution was viewed as a manifestation of race redemption in early conceptualizations of this consciousness in the second decade of the nineteenth century... In his acceptance speech for the office of Governor General for Life of the newly Independent Black Nation,…
This is the chronicle of Black Africa's oppression and the enslavement of its people in another country. Harding resurrects long-forgotten heroes and chronicles their descendants' fight to preserve the spirit and dreams of an uprooted nation.
Our plot will revolve on the ancient Ethiopian Cushite kingdom, which spanned three continents and ruled for three thousand years. We shall travel to ancient Ethiopia, where "the gods delighted to banquet with the pious inhabitants." as Herodotus put it. We shall look at the history of the region and the ancient people. The "Old Race," which Petrie discovered in…