In 1967, this groundbreaking essay revealed the depths of institutional racism in the United States and laid out a radical political framework for change: real and permanent social change could only be achieved via African-American solidarity and independence from the current order. 25 years after it was originally published, this evocative testament of the civil rights struggle remains a work…
Rosemari Mealy, along with authors Elombe Brath, LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka), Sarah E. Wright, and Bill Epton, assemble the experiences of a number of people who played major parts in this historic meeting in this compact but vital anthology, first published in 1993. They contribute their own opinions on the two leaders and the revolutionary movements they sparked, as historians,…
On January 20, 1973, Portuguese agents killed Amilcar Cabral, the Secretary-General of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and the Cape Verde Islands (PAIGC). In fewer than 10 years of revolutionary struggle, the PAIGC freed three-quarters of Guinea's countryside under his leadership. Cabral stood out among modern revolutionaries for the extensive and meticulous preparation, both theoretical and practical,…
This uncompromising classic challenges the concept that civilisation began in Greece, attempting to demonstrate that the original inventors of Greek philosophy were Egyptians, not Greeks. The poem contends that the acclaim and glory that have been lavished on the Greeks for millennia belong to the people of Africa, and that the theft of this magnificent African inheritance has led to…
The COINTELPRO Papers will provide meat for anxieties — as well as recommendations for activity — for anyone concerned about civil rights under George W. Bush. Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall's expose of the FBI, America's political police organization, uncovers the steel fist behind the velvet glove of "compassionate conservatism's" The writers examine the FBI's handling of the left,…