• Assata Quick View
    • Assata Quick View
    • Assata

    • $19.00
    • The terrible image of JoAnne Chesimard long portrayed by the media and the state is belied by her highly personal and political narrative. Assata Shakur describes the events that drove her to action, as well as the strengths, flaws, and final collapse of Black and White revolutionary groups at the hands of government authorities, with wit and candor. The outcome…
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  • Black Bourgeoisie Quick View
    • Black Bourgeoisie Quick View
    • Black Bourgeoisie

    • $20.00
    • The author traces the rise of this enigmatic class from the segregated South to the postwar boom in the integrated North, demonstrating how, along the way to what appeared to be prosperity and progress, middle-class blacks lost touch with their traditional black roots while never receiving recognition from the white sector. According to Frazier, the consequence is an odd bourgeois…
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  • Black Labor White Wealth Quick View
    • Black Labor White Wealth Quick View
    • Black Labor White Wealth

    • $20.00
    • The first book by Dr. Anderson is a classic. It examines how slavery and Jim Crow regulations were utilized to build a powerful nation using black labor. It describes how black people were socially molded into the bottom level in a real-life Monopoly game, one in which they are neither playing nor winning. Black Labor is a detailed examination of…
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  • Destruction of Black Civilization Quick View
    • Destruction of Black Civilization Quick View
    • Destruction of Black Civilization

    • $25.00
    • Chancellor Williams spent sixteen years researching and field studying The Destruction of Black Civilization. The book was supposed to be ""a universal struggle against the covert message from even the most 'liberal' white authors (and their Negro disciples): 'You belong to a race of nobodies.'" You have no significant history to be proud of.'" " The book was published at…
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  • Our Black Year Quick View
    • Our Black Year Quick View
    • Our Black Year

    • $17.00
    • Maggie and John Anderson were prosperous African American professionals who lived in a posh Chicago suburb with their two kids. However, they were concerned about their good fortune. The majority of African Americans reside in economically depressed areas. Black wealth is around one-tenth that of white wealth, and black firms behind all other racial groupings in every metric of performance.…
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  • The falsification of AfrikanConciousness Quick View
    • The falsification of AfrikanConciousness Quick View
    • The falsification of AfrikanConciousness

    • $16.00
    • "[Exposes] the role Eurocentric history-writing plays in rationalizing European oppression of Afrikan peoples and in the falsification of Afrikan consciousness ... [and contends] that the alleged mental and behavioral maladaptiveness of oppressed Afrikan peoples is a political-economic necessity for the maintenance of White domination and imperialism." —From the back cover.
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  • The Irritated Genie Quick View
    • The Irritated Genie Quick View
    • The Irritated Genie

    • $25.00
    • Race vindication has long been a prominent issue in the minds of African-Americans in the United States... The Haitian Revolution was viewed as a manifestation of race redemption in early conceptualizations of this consciousness in the second decade of the nineteenth century... In his acceptance speech for the office of Governor General for Life of the newly Independent Black Nation,…
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  • There is a River Quick View
    • There is a River Quick View
    • There is a River

    • $28.00
    • This is the chronicle of Black Africa's oppression and the enslavement of its people in another country. Harding resurrects long-forgotten heroes and chronicles their descendants' fight to preserve the spirit and dreams of an uprooted nation.
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  • Who was Ida B.Wells? Quick View
    • Who was Ida B.Wells? Quick View
    • Who was Ida B.Wells?

    • $10.00
    • Ida Bell Wells was born into slavery in 1862 and was released in 1865 as a consequence of the Emancipation Proclamation. Despite this, she could see how unfair the society she lived in was. This inspired her to pursue a career as a writer and activist. She campaigned against discrimination and for African-American equality throughout her life. Ida B. Wells…
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