The Black Classic Press Contemporary Lecture Series begins with Dr. John Henrik Clarke's African People in World History. The ideas voiced by notable modern intellectuals and essayists are published in this series. Dr. Clarke is both of these things. He is a Hunter College Professor Emeritus in African World History. He has committed his life as a historian, educator, and…
Dutty Boukman joins forces with Cecile Fatiman to tap into the energies of African spirituality and lead the early slave revolts of the Haitian Revolution after being sold by his slave master in Jamaica to a slaver in Saint Domingue (colonial Haiti). Boukman would be recognized as the spark that ignited the only successful Black Revolution, as the rebellious Africans…
The only successful slave revolt in history, Haiti: The First Black Republic is a stunning study on the interesting events of the Haitian Revolution. This comprehensive narrative of how Haiti resisted French colonial control, destroyed three great powers' armies, and earned independence is a must-read for all Haitians and history buffs.
This is the classic history of African peoples in Africa and the New World, a debunking of the erroneous post-Civil War assumption that Africans had no civilization beyond the one imposed on them by their slave traders. DuBois, one of America's greatest writers, lays out in easy-to-read, nonacademic prose the striking and illustrious story of Africa's complex history and varied…