The first book by Dr. Anderson is a classic. It examines how slavery and Jim Crow regulations were utilized to build a powerful nation using black labor. It describes how black people were socially molded into the bottom level in a real-life Monopoly game, one in which they are neither playing nor winning. Black Labor is a detailed examination of…
David Walker's Appeal is a resolutely African-centered rhetoric that criticizes white injustice and promotes Black self-reliance. Its release in 1830 heightened the discussion and opposition against slavery. The Appeal is a foundational document from which many present topics in Black political philosophy have grown. It is more than a protest against slavery.
Ifa Orisa is a fictional character. Spirituality is a West African traditional wisdom tradition rooted in nature and history. Isese (Ee Shay Shay) is a term used in Ifa spirituality to describe the wisdom passed down from our spiritual forefathers and mothers. Descendants of African Diaspora exiled by the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade are seeking spiritual change and empowerment by returning…