In 1967, this groundbreaking essay revealed the depths of institutional racism in the United States and laid out a radical political framework for change: real and permanent social change could only be achieved via African-American solidarity and independence from the current order. 25 years after it was originally published, this evocative testament of the civil rights struggle remains a work…
The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child, the first of a series of books on black children's growth, development, and education, is the first book to focus only on the physical and psychological development of black children in a scientific yet accessible manner.
Identity is a sociological assessment of who we are in this society, and who we should be, via an Afrikan viewpoint. It is crucial to be familiar with the notions defining fundamental social phenomena as they directly connect to us as people and communities in order to advance appropriately. Definitions are essential to any logical, useful description of society and…
Traditional African education and socialization procedures were anchored on a worldview that believed in human perfectibility, that humans may really become more like God. The lowest degree of schooling was basic skills. Character development, humanism, and spirituality were greater degrees of achievement.