The Black Classic Press Contemporary Lecture Series begins with Dr. John Henrik Clarke's African People in World History. The ideas voiced by notable modern intellectuals and essayists are published in this series. Dr. Clarke is both of these things. He is a Hunter College Professor Emeritus in African World History. He has committed his life as a historian, educator, and…
The terrible image of JoAnne Chesimard long portrayed by the media and the state is belied by her highly personal and political narrative. Assata Shakur describes the events that drove her to action, as well as the strengths, flaws, and final collapse of Black and White revolutionary groups at the hands of government authorities, with wit and candor. The outcome…
While much is known about the anti-slavery movement's white participants, the black abolitionists have received less attention. This book, authored by one of the country's foremost black historians, corrects the record. As Benjamin Quarles demonstrates, blacks in the abolitionist movement were far from quiet. Many of the abolitionists were black; scores of black preachers and authors actively advocated the cause;…
The author traces the rise of this enigmatic class from the segregated South to the postwar boom in the integrated North, demonstrating how, along the way to what appeared to be prosperity and progress, middle-class blacks lost touch with their traditional black roots while never receiving recognition from the white sector. According to Frazier, the consequence is an odd bourgeois…
In 1967, this groundbreaking essay revealed the depths of institutional racism in the United States and laid out a radical political framework for change: real and permanent social change could only be achieved via African-American solidarity and independence from the current order. 25 years after it was originally published, this evocative testament of the civil rights struggle remains a work…
Only a few days before the author's death, Blood In My Eye was completed. During an attempted attempted escape, George Jackson was killed by San Quentin prison guards on August 21, 1971. George Jackson was convicted of stealing $70 from a petrol station at the age of eighteen and was sentenced to one year to life in prison. He was…
"The Blueprint for Black Power lays forth a comprehensive strategy for the power revolution that Black people will need to survive in the twenty-first century. According to Blueprints, an African American/Caribbean/Pan-African bloc would be the most effective in generating and delivering Black power in the United States and across the world in order to challenge White and Asian power networks.…
David Walker's Appeal is a resolutely African-centered rhetoric that criticizes white injustice and promotes Black self-reliance. Its release in 1830 heightened the discussion and opposition against slavery. The Appeal is a foundational document from which many present topics in Black political philosophy have grown. It is more than a protest against slavery.
Throughout Marcus Garvey's struggle, Amy Jacques Garvey worked closely with him. She provides an insider's view of Garvey, Garveyism, and the embryonic phase of Black nationalism in this book. Marcus Garvey, like all great visionaries and planners, imagined and planned ahead of his time and the ability of his people to comprehend the significance of his life's work. This dreamer's…
By the year 2005, PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America would have transformed Black America into an affluent and empowered race that is self-sufficient and competitive as a whole. Dr. Anderson debunks the myths and illusions of black development in this book, bringing together statistics and information from a variety of sources to build a framework for answers…
Huey P. Newton, the founder of the Black Panther Party, tells his story in a spectacular visual presentation. Huey P. Newton's famous and oft-quoted autobiography is as much a manifesto as it is a portrayal of America's Black Panther Party's inner circle, eloquently documenting the development of a revolutionary. Revolutionary Suicide is a smart, unrepentant, and thought-provoking portrayal of inspired…
The COINTELPRO Papers will provide meat for anxieties — as well as recommendations for activity — for anyone concerned about civil rights under George W. Bush. Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall's expose of the FBI, America's political police organization, uncovers the steel fist behind the velvet glove of "compassionate conservatism's" The writers examine the FBI's handling of the left,…
Delany's separatist beliefs are presented in The Condition, Elevation, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States (1852). This work is considered by many researchers of African American political philosophy to be the first printed expression of black nationalism. Its breadth, however, is far larger than this single concentration suggests. It is the first book-length assessment of black…
This is the classic history of African peoples in Africa and the New World, a debunking of the erroneous post-Civil War assumption that Africans had no civilization beyond the one imposed on them by their slave traders. DuBois, one of America's greatest writers, lays out in easy-to-read, nonacademic prose the striking and illustrious story of Africa's complex history and varied…
"Up From Slavery" is an autobiography of Booker T. Washington's life and accomplishments, which has inspired all Americans. As he moves from ex-slave to teacher and creator of one of the most prominent institutions for African Americans in the south, The Tuskegee Industrial Institute, Washington expresses his innermost feelings.
Polygyny was practiced in approximately 80% of the globe's civilizations prior to European global dominance, according to We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves. It has been practiced throughout Western history and continues to be practiced now in the United States, but in ways that demoralize women and harm marriages and families. Dr. Patricia Dixon suggests open…
Nobody predicted George Washington Carver's success when he was born in Missouri in the 1860s. Slaves were not permitted to attend school.Carver returned to school after the Civil War and excelled as a student. He was the first black student and later the first black professor at Iowa State Agricultural College. He went on to Tuskegee Institute, where he studied…
Ida Bell Wells was born into slavery in 1862 and was released in 1865 as a consequence of the Emancipation Proclamation. Despite this, she could see how unfair the society she lived in was. This inspired her to pursue a career as a writer and activist. She campaigned against discrimination and for African-American equality throughout her life. Ida B. Wells…