- History
100 years of Lynchings
- $16.00
- 100 Years of Lynchings, first published in 1962, is as relevant today as it was then. It provides vivid newspaper articles of a "red record of racial atrocities." to the reader. It is a straightforward and easy-to-understand presentation. The news stories speak for themselves because there is no narrative. We witness a history of racial horrors through them that we…
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- History
A book of the beginnings
- $60.00
- Gerald Massey, an intellectual and freethinker, turned his considerable study in the subject of Egyptology into A Book of the Beginnings, a daring declaration that ancient Egypt is the genesis of all civilisation. His claims, which were revolutionary at the time—nearly a century before the finding of three-million-year-old human remains in Africa—resonate loudly now, as molecular biology makes matching discoveries…
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- History
A century of NegroMigration
- Carter G. Woodson, the founder of Black History Month, offers a look at race.
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- Education
A Glorious Age in Africa: Ghana Mali Songhay
- $15.00
- This book reveals the magnificent history and heritage of Africa, destroying, once and for all, the centuries-old, still lingering myth that Africa "was a continent without history." Here is a fascinating account of the Africans from the 8th to the 16th century, highlighted by the successive rise of three Sudanese empires that at their height were the equal of any…
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- Education, Nyame & Mujasi, Philosophy/africa
Affirming Fatherhood: a celebration of the world’s best Baba
- $15.00
- A coloring book affirming and honoring Black fathers.
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- Non Fiction
Africa and Africans
- $20.00
- The father of African Studies, William Leo Hansberry, investigates ancient allusions to the African continent and its inhabitants in African and Africans As Seen by Classical Writers, the second of two pioneering books. In a vibrant and extremely accessible style, the works of Homer, Pliny, Ovid, Virgil, Herodotus, and others are debated and studied.
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- History
Africa Mother of Western Civilization
- $40.00
- Dr. Ben debunks stereotypes about the inferiority and primitiveness of indigenous African peoples and their descendants in a lecture/essay style. Here's where you can get Africa, Mother of Western Civilization.
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- History
African Contribution to Civilization
- $10.00
- Osei investigates African contributions to the arts, sciences, philosophy, and religion. He does it by chronicling and weaving a historical framework. Osei was a self-taught historian who was well-versed in a wide range of books and papers regarding ancient and modern Africa.
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- Spirituality
African Cosmology of The Bantu-Kongo
- $21.00
- Dr. Bunseki is a major specialist on the Bantu-Kongo civilization and one of Africa's great scholars of religion. He is also a devout follower of the Kongo spiritual path. The book investigates Bantu-Kongo religious and philosophical beliefs, as well as legal and criminal conceptions. It gives readers an insight of the Bantu-Kongo religious rituals' personal-social organization and cosmic significance. It…
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- History
African Glory
- $16.00
- It was first published in 1954, at a time when there were few publications on African history written by Africans. The book was written in response to conventional and frequently racist histories of Africa. It was an intimate history of Africa and its ancient civilizations. African Glory continues to provide a vivid and dynamic connection to the African past half…
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- Holistica Health
African Holistic Health
- $25.00
- african holistic health addresses health issues from a comprehensive african -centered viewpoint.it provides a complete guide to herbal remedies along with homeopathic disease treatments.what makes afrikan holistic health truly unique is the research dr. afrika has provided on the physiological and psychological differences between people of african descent verses people of european descent.
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- Baba Imhotep, Education
African Manhood In The 21st Century
- $20.00
- African Manhood In The 21st Century is a book about African Manhood. The book outlines the difference between African manhood and African malehood. The fundamental premise of the book is Manhood is more the biology and anatomy.
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- History
African Origin of Civilization: myth or reality
- $16.00
- This classic, now in its 30th printing, help in analyzing, archaeological, and anthropological evidence for the notion t hat ancient Egypt was a black culture.
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- Religion
African origins of the Major “Western Religions”The Black Man’s ReligionVolume II
- $30.00
- Dr. Ben's 1970 book African Origins of the Major "Western Religions" remains one of his most thought-provoking publications. This rigorous investigation of history, ideas, and myths is still relevant and informative. Dr. Ben unveils an unseen history that has been hushed up by the White race and the rest of the globe by revealing the African influences and roots of…
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- History
African People in World History
- $10.00
- The Black Classic Press Contemporary Lecture Series begins with Dr. John Henrik Clarke's African People in World History. The ideas voiced by notable modern intellectuals and essayists are published in this series. Dr. Clarke is both of these things. He is a Hunter College Professor Emeritus in African World History. He has committed his life as a historian, educator, and…
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- Race
Afrocentricity: The Theoryof Social Change.
- $15.00
- The theory of "Afrocentricity," which mandates that Africans be viewed as subjects rather than objects, is the central topic of this cross-disciplinary work, which examines how this philosophy, ethos, and world view gives Africans a better understanding of how to interpret issues affecting their communities. There include talks on Washingtonianism, Garveyism, Du Bois, Malcolm X, race and identity, Marxism, and…
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- Psychology
Akbar Papers In AfricanPsychology
- $15.00
- This collection of 22 essays, intended for both computer scientists and biologists, shows the vital new role that computers play in developmental biology research. Researchers can acquire a better understanding of developmental processes by using computer modeling, according to essays. Their usage in building computer algorithms to solve computer science challenges in fields like neural network design, robot control, evolvable…
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- History
An Ancient Egypt The Light of the World
- $60.00
- Gerald Massey's first two Egyptology series flipped conventional wisdom on its head, arguing that Egypt not only founded human civilization, but that Egyptian mythology formed the foundation for Jewish and Christian beliefs. Ancient Egypt: The Light of the World is Massey's crown treasure, the culmination of his years of scholarly effort. Massey, ever the intrepid escort, leads a tour through…
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- History
An Ancient Future
- $20.00
- Ancient Future honors the knowledge of ancient civilizations who did not separate the intellectual, spiritual, and physical aspects of existence. This book is an attempt to recreate this holistic experience in the hopes of realizing a holistic picture of life in the twenty-first century.
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- Economic, History
An Economic InterpretationOf the Constitution ofthe United States
- $16.00
- The author flipped the hagiography of many prior American historians on its head in this landmark work. Unlike those writers who emphasized idealistic impulses as a role in defining the framework of American government, Beard questioned the Founding Fathers' objectives in crafting the Constitution and saw the outcome as a product of economic self-interest.
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- Spirituality
Asafo: A warrior Guide toManhood
- $20.00
- Asafo is an in-depth Afrikan-centered debate about what it takes to be a man in Africa. The author sets out our sources of power as well as the skills that must be gained, mastered, and employed if we are to retake our rightful place as warrior scholars in the fight to build safe, holy, and empowered environments for our families…
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- Non-fiction
- $19.00
- The terrible image of JoAnne Chesimard long portrayed by the media and the state is belied by her highly personal and political narrative. Assata Shakur describes the events that drove her to action, as well as the strengths, flaws, and final collapse of Black and White revolutionary groups at the hands of government authorities, with wit and candor. The outcome…
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- History
Black Abolitionists
- $17.00
- While much is known about the anti-slavery movement's white participants, the black abolitionists have received less attention. This book, authored by one of the country's foremost black historians, corrects the record. As Benjamin Quarles demonstrates, blacks in the abolitionist movement were far from quiet. Many of the abolitionists were black; scores of black preachers and authors actively advocated the cause;…
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- History
Black Labor White Wealth
- $20.00
- The first book by Dr. Anderson is a classic. It examines how slavery and Jim Crow regulations were utilized to build a powerful nation using black labor. It describes how black people were socially molded into the bottom level in a real-life Monopoly game, one in which they are neither playing nor winning. Black Labor is a detailed examination of…
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- History, Non Fiction
Black Man of The Nile and His Family
- $25.00
- Dr. Ben utilizes Black Man of the Nile in a unique way to confront and expose "Europeanized" African history.
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