- Politics
Black Power
- $15.00
- In 1967, this groundbreaking essay revealed the depths of institutional racism in the United States and laid out a radical political framework for change: real and permanent social change could only be achieved via African-American solidarity and independence from the current order. 25 years after it was originally published, this evocative testament of the civil rights struggle remains a work…
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- Education
Black Power and The Garvey Movement
- $17.00
- Theodore Vincent provides valuable insight into understanding Marcus Garvey, the global breadth and depth of his influence and the origins of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). From the first paragraph, Vincent unequivocally declares that he intends to "set straight" many of the stories then surrounding Garveyites and Garveyites. He writes, "...historians have left us with an impression of Garveyism…
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- Education
Blueprint For Black Power
- $40.00
- "The Blueprint for Black Power lays forth a comprehensive strategy for the power revolution that Black people will need to survive in the twenty-first century. According to Blueprints, an African American/Caribbean/Pan-African bloc would be the most effective in generating and delivering Black power in the United States and across the world in order to challenge White and Asian power networks.…
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- History
Boukman and Cecil Fatiman
- $20.00
- Dutty Boukman joins forces with Cecile Fatiman to tap into the energies of African spirituality and lead the early slave revolts of the Haitian Revolution after being sold by his slave master in Jamaica to a slaver in Saint Domingue (colonial Haiti). Boukman would be recognized as the spark that ignited the only successful Black Revolution, as the rebellious Africans…
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- History
Capitalism and Slavery
- $30.00
- Slavery aided in the funding of England's Industrial Revolution. Plantation owners, shipbuilders, and merchants involved in the slave trade amassed large riches, which were used to construct banks and heavy industry in Europe, as well as spread capitalism's reach globally. In his 1944 book Capitalism and Slavery, Eric Williams articulated these important concepts. His insightful analysis, which was years ahead…
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- Education
- $17.00
- Centered: Building Afrikan Realities is a warrior's guidebook written for Afrikan centered warrior scholars who know what it takes to declare an unwavering commitment to rebuilding the Afrikan country. It is for those of us brave enough to see where we have come from and where we are now in this reality through the eyes of our most powerful ancestors.…
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- History/Culture
Christianity, Islam and The Negro Race
- $10.00
- A native of St. Thomas, West Indies, Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912) lived most of his life on the African continent. He was an accomplished educator, linguist, writer and world traveller, who strongly defended the unique character of Africa and its people. Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race is an essential collection of his writings on race, culture, and the African…
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- History
Destruction of Black Civilization
- $25.00
- Chancellor Williams spent sixteen years researching and field studying The Destruction of Black Civilization. The book was supposed to be ""a universal struggle against the covert message from even the most 'liberal' white authors (and their Negro disciples): 'You belong to a race of nobodies.'" You have no significant history to be proud of.'" " The book was published at…
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- Psychology
Developmental Psychologyof the Black Child
- $21.00
- The Developmental Psychology of the Black Child, the first of a series of books on black children's growth, development, and education, is the first book to focus only on the physical and psychological development of black children in a scientific yet accessible manner.
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- History
Essays in Ancient EgyptianStudies
- $20.00
- "Cheikh Anta Diop has posed the question of whether the African philosophical tradition may serve as a model for a philosophy that is more sensitive to human needs than the many messages offered by European philosophy. This book is unquestionably a contribution to that endeavor. What one discovers here is not only a significant challenge to the Eurocentric interpretation of…
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- Politics
Fidel & Malcolm X
- $15.00
- Rosemari Mealy, along with authors Elombe Brath, LeRoi Jones (Amiri Baraka), Sarah E. Wright, and Bill Epton, assemble the experiences of a number of people who played major parts in this historic meeting in this compact but vital anthology, first published in 1993. They contribute their own opinions on the two leaders and the revolutionary movements they sparked, as historians,…
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- Health
Focusing, Black Male FemaleRelationships
- $15.00
- This relevant study pushes our knowledge of African American men and women past the fork in the road. Dr. Aldridge's wisdom and vision set Black male-female interactions in a liberating framework from which Blacks may begin the critical process of reclaiming ourselves, restoring our traditions, and rebuilding the African world.
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- History
From Columbus To Castro
- $21.00
- From Columbus to Castro: The Caribbean's History is about 30 million people scattered across an arc of islands—Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados, Antigua and Barbuda, Antigua and Barbuda, Martinique, Trinidad, and others—separated by the languages and cultures of their colonizers but bound together by a common heritage. The nationality of their rulers has made only a theoretical difference to the peoples of…
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- Race
Garvey and Garveyism
- $25.00
- Throughout Marcus Garvey's struggle, Amy Jacques Garvey worked closely with him. She provides an insider's view of Garvey, Garveyism, and the embryonic phase of Black nationalism in this book. Marcus Garvey, like all great visionaries and planners, imagined and planned ahead of his time and the ability of his people to comprehend the significance of his life's work. This dreamer's…
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- History
Haiti : The First Black Republic
- $20.00
- The only successful slave revolt in history, Haiti: The First Black Republic is a stunning study on the interesting events of the Haitian Revolution. This comprehensive narrative of how Haiti resisted French colonial control, destroyed three great powers' armies, and earned independence is a must-read for all Haitians and history buffs.
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- History
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa
- $25.00
- The decisiveness of colonialism's brief reign and its bad implications for Africa stem mostly from Africa's loss of power. Power is the ultimate determinant in human society , as it is fundamental to all group and intergroup connections. It entails the ability to protect one's interests and, if necessary, enforce one's will using whatever methods at hand. The question of…
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- Sociology
- $35.00
- Identity is a sociological assessment of who we are in this society, and who we should be, via an Afrikan viewpoint. It is crucial to be familiar with the notions defining fundamental social phenomena as they directly connect to us as people and communities in order to advance appropriately. Definitions are essential to any logical, useful description of society and…
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- Baba Imhotep, Education
Incarcerated: a glimpse into the poetic mind of an incarcerated Blackman
- $15.00
- A collection of poems written over a 20-year period detailing the political analysis and critique of the prison complex.
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- Non Fiction
Intellectual Warfare
- $25.00
- This book demonstrates that the roots of contemporary Western thinking, theory, and practice may be traced back to ancient African thought, theory, and practice, as well as the impact of African thought on Greek and Roman philosophy and the creation of modern Western culture. The importance of defending and honoring the contribution of Ancient African civilizations in this momentous event…
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- History
Introduction To African Civilization
- $25.00
- This book provides a history of Africa from the beginning of man to the current day, challenging traditional views to African history.
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- Education
Introduction To African Religion
- $30.00
- In his widely acclaimed survey, John Mbiti sheds light on the survival and prosperity of African Religion in different historical, geographical, sociological, cultural, and physical environments. He presents a constellation of African worldviews, beliefs in God, use of symbols, valued traditions, and practices that have taken root with African peoples throughout the vast continent. Mbiti's accessible writing style sympathetically portrays…
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- Culture
Isese Spirituality Workbook
- $32.00
- Ifa Orisa is a fictional character. Spirituality is a West African traditional wisdom tradition rooted in nature and history. Isese (Ee Shay Shay) is a term used in Ifa spirituality to describe the wisdom passed down from our spiritual forefathers and mothers. Descendants of African Diaspora exiled by the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade are seeking spiritual change and empowerment by returning…
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- Spirituality
IWA: A warrior’s Character
- $25.00
- Without the feeling and strength of its ancient principles, no nation can stand as a principled, honorable force. And no people who are determined to be independent, empowered, and sovereign can establish and preserve themselves without a dedicated, industrious, disciplined, respected, and informed warrior class who sees it as their job to defend their people's name and ensure their survival.…
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- Culture
Kindezi: the kongo art of babysitting
- $13.00
- The writers emphasize the significance of this African custom. Kindezi (babysitting) and ndezi (babysitters) give a great dea l of value and service to both society and the individual kid, resulting in a strong, unified community.
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- Psychology
Know Thy Self
- $15.00
- "How lovely it is to be taught by a free teacher, a spiritual leader, a member of our family who actually loves the family, an architect of transformational processes, and a defender of African people. He has given us yet another crucial gift in the form of this book. It is our job to thoroughly examine these ideas. Allowing these…
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