- History
Lessons from History
- $12.00
- This book portrays African Americans' strengths, shortcomings, achievements, and blunders in a Black history textbook that extends beyond "Negro" to African history. It includes exam questions and vocabulary exercises, and it is beautifully illustrated.
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- Non Fiction
Let The Circle Be Unbroken
- $10.00
- Let the Circle Be Unbroken is the sequel to the widely praised Roll of Thunder, chronicling the narrative of the Logan family in Mississippi during the Great Depression. The kids, particularly Cassie, are content in their warm, secure home, but there is an atmosphere of fear and anxiety outside. T.J., one of their friends, is put on trial for murder…
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- Education, Mama Ife Fatiu
- $20.00
- A book about growth and development, overcoming internal struggles, and emerging victorious. WURU is about spirituality and African culture. It speaks to the strength of Black womanhood.
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- Holistic Health
Man Heal Thyself
- $20.00
- Is a do-it-yourself guide for men who desire to begin and maintain a holistic lifestyle.
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- Biography
Marcus Garvey and The Vision of Africa
- $25.00
- Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) was a one-of-a-kind Black leader. His program for the return of African people to their motherland rocked the foundations of three empires, all future Black Power movements owed a debt to his example, and his prophecy was fulfilled in the independence that gave birth to more than thirty African states.
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- Education, Nyame & Mujasi
My Baba, Dinosaurs & Me: a celebration of the world’s best baba
- $15.00
- A book about a son writing about his father. Nyame was 5 years old when he wrote this book about his father. The book is an excellent display of a son's love for his father and a father's impact on the mind of his son.
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- History
My Bondage and My Freedom
- $13.00
- After ten years of introspection following his formal liberation in 1846 and his separation with his mentor William Lloyd Garrison, ex-slave Frederick Douglass's second autobiography thrust him into the international limelight as the leading advocate for American blacks, both free and slave. My Bondage and My Freedom was written during Frederick Douglass' illustrious career as a speaker and newspaper editor,…
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- Education, Nyame & Mujasi
My Supreme Hero: a celebration of the world’s best father
- $15.00
- A book about a son writing about his father. Nyame was 5 years old when he wrote this book about his father. The book is an excellent display of a son's love for his father and a father's impact on the mind of his son.
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- Politics
Nation Building
- $25.00
- The relevance of Afrikan-centered education in the emancipation of Afrikan people is emphasized in this book. The ineffective education that Black students receive as a result of white supremacy ensures that we continue to assist white people in maintaining their control. The Black Bourgeoisie and its white liberal partners are pushing for this shoddy education. Children require an education that…
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- History
- $17.00
- The New Humanity; Shackles; The Cultural Continuum; The Truth of Liars; Inner Vision; Black Capital; Racism, Colorism, and Power; blacks; I Am Not Ashamed; Dedication to an Afrikan; and Voices in the Tradition of the Afrikan Warrior are among the eleven articles included in this book.
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- Culture
New visions For Black Men
- $16.00
- Visions for Black Men provided a lifeline for me, challenging me to construct a masculinity strategy beyond the language of manhood.I can tell you that Visions was one of the many tools I needed to start a path of Manhood that has not ended yet, and that I hope will never do so.It was my go-to text for years when…
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- History
Nile Valley Contribution To Civilization
- $25.00
- Tony Browder's book, Nile Valley Contributions To Civilization, aims to dispel some of these myths so that the reader may learn more about the Nile Valley Civilizations and its significance as the cradle of future civilizations.
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- Baba Imhotep, Culture, History/Culture, Spirituality
Nommo: Unified field of african spiritualty
- $30.00
- A must-read for all those interested in developing and expanding spiritually, those truly concerned with their spiritual evolution need to read this book
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- Culture
Nyansasem: Vol 1
- $20.00
- Every day, warrior scholars require words that force them to reflect on the importance of what they must perform. Every day, determined revolutionaries must clarify and improve the nature of their contribution to Afrikans. Every day, conscious employees need to have their ideas heard and their intentions confirmed by like-minded others. Those who would die for us should be reminded…
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- Culture
Nyansasem: Vol II
- $25.00
- Every day, warrior scholars require words that force them to reflect on the importance of what they must perform. Every day, determined revolutionaries must clarify and improve the nature of their contribution to Afrikans. Every day, conscious employees need to have their ideas heard and their intentions confirmed by like-minded others. Those who would die for us should be reminded…
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- Culture
Orishas, Goddesses and Vodoo Queens
- $17.00
- Orishas, Goddesses, and Voodoo Queens teaches you how to honor and nurture the characteristics of these goddesses, allowing you to draw on their abilities to strengthen your own life. The book includes magical spells, rituals, potions, astrological correspondences, sacred gifts, and much more, in addition to a guided tour of the important goddesses of African religious traditions.
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- Non Fiction
Our Black Year
- $17.00
- Maggie and John Anderson were prosperous African American professionals who lived in a posh Chicago suburb with their two kids. However, they were concerned about their good fortune. The majority of African Americans reside in economically depressed areas. Black wealth is around one-tenth that of white wealth, and black firms behind all other racial groupings in every metric of performance.…
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- Non Fiction
Peace From Broken Pieces
- $15.00
- Iyanla Vanzant, a New York Times best-selling author, recounts the last ten years of her life and the spiritual lessons she is learned—from the cost of success during her meteoric rise as a TV celebrity on Oprah, the Iyanla TV show (produced by Barbara Walters), to the dissolution of her marriage and her daughter's 15-month illness and death on Christmas…
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- History
Pillars in Ethiopian History
- $20.00
- IN ETHIOPIAN HISTORY, PILLARS, Volume I of William Leo Hansberry's African History Notebook Joseph E. Harris edited the book. The four pieces in Volume I, better defined as narrative histories, are taken from William Leo Hansberry's private documents and decode and extract the foundations of Ethiopia's unity from the tangle of myth, folklore, and bogus historical material.
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- Economics
- $28.00
- By the year 2005, PowerNomics: The National Plan to Empower Black America would have transformed Black America into an affluent and empowered race that is self-sufficient and competitive as a whole. Dr. Anderson debunks the myths and illusions of black development in this book, bringing together statistics and information from a variety of sources to build a framework for answers…
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- Education
Race 1st Hoodies
- $50.00
- Our signature Race 1st hoodies come in white or black. We offer youth sizes: small, medium & large, and adult sizes small, medium, large & extra large. we offer male and female cut.
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- History
Return to the Source: Selected Speeches of Amilcar Cabral
- $15.00
- On January 20, 1973, Portuguese agents killed Amilcar Cabral, the Secretary-General of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and the Cape Verde Islands (PAIGC). In fewer than 10 years of revolutionary struggle, the PAIGC freed three-quarters of Guinea's countryside under his leadership. Cabral stood out among modern revolutionaries for the extensive and meticulous preparation, both theoretical and practical,…
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- Economic, Politics
Revolutionary Suicide
- $18.00
- Huey P. Newton, the founder of the Black Panther Party, tells his story in a spectacular visual presentation. Huey P. Newton's famous and oft-quoted autobiography is as much a manifesto as it is a portrayal of America's Black Panther Party's inner circle, eloquently documenting the development of a revolutionary. Revolutionary Suicide is a smart, unrepentant, and thought-provoking portrayal of inspired…
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- Education
SBA: the reawakening of the african mind
- $25.00
- Traditional African education and socialization procedures were anchored on a worldview that believed in human perfectibility, that humans may really become more like God. The lowest degree of schooling was basic skills. Character development, humanism, and spirituality were greater degrees of achievement.
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- History
Seize The Time
- $20.00
- Sieze The Time is Bobby Seale's gripping first-person narrative of the emergence of The Black Panther Party as a national organization. Seale is a veteran activist and co-founder of The Black Panther Party. The book "...continues to have a universal apppeal as an account of an oppressed people's struggle for human liberation." according to Seale.
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- Religion
Selections from Husia
- $22.00
- A selection and retranslation of the world's oldest religious scripture, with critical commentary on the breadth of African spiritual achievement and legacy in ancient Egypt. We read the first recorded record of humanity's organised consciousness concerning spirituality and ethics in this selection. For the first time in human history, the notions of Maat (truth, justice, and rightness), humanity created in…
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- Health
Self-Healing Power and Therapy
- $16.00
- "The importance of excellent health cannot be overstated. This is the book for you if you are sick and tired of being ill and exhausted. Dr. K. Kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau offers an astonishing and innovative thesis in Self-Healing Power and Therapy, which successfully integrates centuries-old Black African medicinal traditions with modern medicine concepts. The Bantu-Kongo teachings on the art of…
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- History
Shaka The Great
- $12.00
- Shaka, the legendary Zulu warrior and chief, had a passionate past. Osei takes us on a journey from his poor beginnings and challenging youth to his ascension to become one of Africa's and the world's most powerful leaders.
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- History
Soledad Brothers
- $20.00
- Soledad Brother is a collection of Jackson's prison letters that is an outspoken denunciation of white America's racism and a scathing evaluation of the prison system that failed to crush his spirit but ultimately stole his life. The tremendous sentiments of rage and revolt that flooded America's jails in the 1960s are tangible in Jackson's writings. Even in the absence…
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- Non Fiction
Sometimes Farmgirls Become Revolutionaries
- $20.00
- Florence Tate's memoir, Sometimes Farmgirls Become Revolutionaries, details her political work and career, from her early days as one of the first black reporters at the Dayton Daily News to her current position as communications director for political organizations such as the ALDCC (African Liberation Day Coordinating Committee) and the National Urban Coalition. Her time as Marion Barry's communications director…
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- Non Fiction
Sovereignty & Remembrance
- $19.00
- We will not be able to achieve sovereignty until we first recognize and grasp the power necessary to build and maintain it. However, if we take the time to seek for it inside ourselves and tap into our ancestral memory, accessing, mobilizing, and using our power toward this purpose is not as tough as it may appear. Sovereignty and Remembrance…
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- History
Stolen Legacy
- $15.00
- This uncompromising classic challenges the concept that civilisation began in Greece, attempting to demonstrate that the original inventors of Greek philosophy were Egyptians, not Greeks. The poem contends that the acclaim and glory that have been lavished on the Greeks for millennia belong to the people of Africa, and that the theft of this magnificent African inheritance has led to…
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- Education
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
- $10.00
- Outline the life of Malcolm X.
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- History
The Black Panther Party Reconsidered
- $23.00
- The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense was the most effective grassroots black revolutionary group in American history — but one whose legend, replayed in sensationalized news stories, a major movie, and countless publications, has outlived the group itself. Featuring never-before-published reflections from former members as well as tables and illustrations, this pioneering collection of essays examines this unique organization in…
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- Non Fiction
The Browder Files
- $20.00
- If we tune into, and add to, our mental diets, the liberating concepts supplied for us in The Browder File, we can be directed to act in our own best interests as a community. No one or no group outside of our own is likely to recognize our need for a collective consciousness rebirth.
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- Holistic Health
The City of Wellness
- $28.00
- City of Wellness is an answer to the primal scream from the heart and soul of the African American Community. In this ground-breaking volume, holistic health activist, Queen Afua presents a revolutionary "dietary greenprint" for regaining lost physical, psychological and spiritual health by facing the malnutrition-obesity-illness epidemic. The City of Wellness' Liberation Diet Plan offers a powerful springboard to wellness…
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- History
The Cointelpro Papers
- $25.00
- The COINTELPRO Papers will provide meat for anxieties — as well as recommendations for activity — for anyone concerned about civil rights under George W. Bush. Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall's expose of the FBI, America's political police organization, uncovers the steel fist behind the velvet glove of "compassionate conservatism's" The writers examine the FBI's handling of the left,…
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- History
The Condition, Elevation, Emigration and Destiny of The colored People of The United States
- $12.00
- Delany's separatist beliefs are presented in The Condition, Elevation, and Destiny of the Colored People of the United States (1852). This work is considered by many researchers of African American political philosophy to be the first printed expression of black nationalism. Its breadth, however, is far larger than this single concentration suggests. It is the first book-length assessment of black…
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- African American Studies
The Crisis of The Negro Intellectual
- $25.00
- Published in 1967, The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual electrified a generation of activists and intellectuals. The product of a lifetime of struggle and reflection, Cruse's book is a singular amalgam of cultural history, passionate disputation, and deeply considered analysis of the relationship between American blacks and American society. Reviewing black intellectual life from the Harlem Renaissance through the 1960s,…
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- Education/History
The Education of The Negro Prior To 1861
- $35.00
- In this work, Woodson chronicles the educational endeavors of Africans in America before the Civil War. He does so with the hope of “narrating in brief how benevolent teachers of both races strove to give antebellum Negroes the education through which many of them gained freedom in its highest and best sense.”
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- History
The falsification of AfrikanConciousness
- $16.00
- "[Exposes] the role Eurocentric history-writing plays in rationalizing European oppression of Afrikan peoples and in the falsification of Afrikan consciousness ... [and contends] that the alleged mental and behavioral maladaptiveness of oppressed Afrikan peoples is a political-economic necessity for the maintenance of White domination and imperialism." —From the back cover.
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- Spirituality
The Finding of the Third Eye
- $15.00
- The author began to research Ancient Wisdom during her successful work as a portrait painter, and this altered her life. She made it her mission to simplify and summarize this information so that it might be shared with others. She provides a roadmap to success based on Ancient Wisdom's route, which she outlines in connection to man and compares to…
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- History
The First Americans Were Africans
- $30.00
- "Dr. David Imhotep delivers a passionate, innovative, and thorough case for a radical rewriting of conventional history in The First Americans Were Africans. The book aroused, amused, and fascinated me, and it opens up many intriguing options for thought."
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- Spirituality
The Handbook of Yoruba Religious Concepts
- $17.00
- Baba Ifa Karade gives an easy-to-understand summary of the Yoruba faith in this introductory book. He outlines 16 orisha and demonstrates how to engage with divination, how to use the chakras to integrate Yoruba teachings, and how to build a sacred site of worship. To commemorate the orisha and egun, there are prayers, dances, songs, offerings, and sacrifices. Illustrations, graphs,…
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- History
The Irritated Genie
- $25.00
- Race vindication has long been a prominent issue in the minds of African-Americans in the United States... The Haitian Revolution was viewed as a manifestation of race redemption in early conceptualizations of this consciousness in the second decade of the nineteenth century... In his acceptance speech for the office of Governor General for Life of the newly Independent Black Nation,…
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- History
The Isis Papers
- $20.00
- A collection of 25 pieces analyzing white supremacy's neuroses.
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- History
The Island of Memes
- $25.00
- "This work studies Haiti at a pivotal juncture in its history, using the Haitian Revolution as a case study example, to investigate the significance of consciousness and identity in the country's liberation fight and construction of nationhood. Black psychology is used to analyze not only the Haitian mind in struggle, but the African mind battling for freedom across the world,…
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- History
The Journey of the Songhai People
- $30.00
- This book tries to stitch together the fabric of global culture that the Europeans purposefully shredded. As a result of their destruction of world culture's black threads, all people, especially African-Americans, regard and despise us.
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- History
The Negro
- $15.00
- This is the classic history of African peoples in Africa and the New World, a debunking of the erroneous post-Civil War assumption that Africans had no civilization beyond the one imposed on them by their slave traders. DuBois, one of America's greatest writers, lays out in easy-to-read, nonacademic prose the striking and illustrious story of Africa's complex history and varied…
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- History
The Osiris Papers
- $25.00
- The Osiris Papers: Reflections on the Life and Writings of Dr. Frances Cress Welsing is the first in a series of treatises examining Dr. Frances Cress Welsing's life, theories, and achievements. Some of these works will be hagiographic in nature. Some may be critical, but all will contribute to our knowledge of one of Africa's finest intellectuals in the last…
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- History
The Psychology of Self-hatred & Self-defeat
- $28.00
- "Self-hatred has profound historical origins that may be traced all the way back to colonial history in the fifteenth century and beyond. Amos Wilson traces the history of slavery from biblical antiquity, with the curse of Ham in the Old Testament, through the Middle Ages, enslavement, Jim Crow sadism, and up to the present day. This experience has had a…
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- American studies
The Redemption of Africa and Black religion
- $8.00
- Examines religion as a tool of resistance. Specifically analyzes the role of religion in maintaining the identity of Blacks in North America and the Caribbean.
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- History
The Ruins Of Empires
- $15.00
- Volney reveals that early Nile Valley Africans established a foundation for the civilization of his time via firsthand observations and research.
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