- Culture
The Sankofa Movement
- $40.00
- The Sankofa Movement is a powerful declaration of faith in traditional Afrikan culture's ability to offer the foundation and framework for full human growth, as it has done for several million years of humanity's historical existence.
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- Business
The Wealth Choice
- $15.00
- The Plethora Choice, based on a seven-year study of 1,000 of the wealthiest African Americans, offers a wealth of good and startling advice for climbing the economic ladder, even when the odds appear to be stacked against you. Readers will learn how business leaders, entrepreneurs, and celebrities such as Bob Johnson, Spike Lee, L. A. Reid, Herman Cain, T. D.…
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- History
There is a River
- $28.00
- This is the chronicle of Black Africa's oppression and the enslavement of its people in another country. Harding resurrects long-forgotten heroes and chronicles their descendants' fight to preserve the spirit and dreams of an uprooted nation.
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- History
They Came Before Columbus
- $18.00
- They Came Before Columbus is a captivating, dramatic, and well documented account of Africans' presence and legacy in ancient America. Ivan Van Sertima builds a pyramid of evidence to support his claim of an African presence in the New World centuries before Columbus by looking at navigation and shipbuilding, cultural analogies between Native Americans and Africans, the transportation of plants,…
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- Education
To Educate A People:Thoughts From The Center
- $30.00
- Warriors must understand how to create and sustain homeschooling programs and other educational organizations. Because it is only in such environments that we can elicit the sort and level of consciousness, intelligence, and character worthiness that will be required of our children in order for them to carry on the work of constructing a sovereign future for us. The Warriors…
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- Education
Too Much Schooling Little Education
- A fundamental contribution to building educational settings for African children, with cultural awareness
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- Philosophy/africa
Ubuntu and Personhood
- $35.00
- This book examines the relationship between Ubuntu and the idea of personhood. Ubuntu in its broadest sense is rooted in the belief that the full development of personhood comes with shared identity and the idea that an individual’s humanity is fostered in a network of relationships: I am because you are; we are because you are. The chapters in this…
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- Sociology/history
Ubuntu for Warriors
- $25.00
- Ubuntu For Warriors overturns commonly held epistemological premises of the philosophy of ubuntu. Chasi goes further to uncover and position ubuntu as a resource for counterhegemonic struggles. It is a must read not only for all those interested in taking African philosophy but also and especially for all those warriors involved in moving African epistemologies to the centre.
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- History
Up From Slavery
- $13.00
- "Up From Slavery" is an autobiography of Booker T. Washington's life and accomplishments, which has inspired all Americans. As he moves from ex-slave to teacher and creator of one of the most prominent institutions for African Americans in the south, The Tuskegee Industrial Institute, Washington expresses his innermost feelings.
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- Baba Imhotep, Education
UrBan Philosophy: new African revolution VanGuard
- $25.00
- A book about revolutionary science and the way the New African VanGuard.
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- Baba Imhotep, Education
UrBan Philosophy: politics of urban struggle
- $20.00
- A book about the Black Liberation Struggle, it's philosophy, politics, and ideology. The book outline some essential principles of struggle.
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- Baba Imhotep, Education
UrBan Philosophy: thought and behavior system
- $25.00
- A book about thoughts and behavior system.
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- Education, Mama Ife Fatiu
Wake Up & Rise Up Sistahs
- $15.00
- A book about growth and development, overcoming internal struggles, and emerging victorious. WURU is about spirituality and African culture. It speaks to the strength of Black womanhood.
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- Culture
We Want for our Sisters what we want for ourselves
- $25.00
- Polygyny was practiced in approximately 80% of the globe's civilizations prior to European global dominance, according to We Want for Our Sisters What We Want for Ourselves. It has been practiced throughout Western history and continues to be practiced now in the United States, but in ways that demoralize women and harm marriages and families. Dr. Patricia Dixon suggests open…
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- History
When We Ruled
- $40.00
- An overview of African or Black history that is comprehensive, critical, and balanced. There has never been a better overall treatise on the ancient and medieval history of Black people. In addition to an amazing and cutting-edge synthesis of archaeological data, documentary evidence, and historical linguistic research, the book is lavishly illustrated with high-quality images, maps, and drawings.
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- Biography
Who was Frederick Douglass?
- $10.00
- Frederick Douglass was born into slavery in Maryland in 1818, and once he discovered that knowledge meant power, he surreptitiously learnt to read and write to give himself an advantage. He made dramatic talks about his experience as a slave after fleeing to the North in 1838. He made such an impression on President Abraham Lincoln that he became one…
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- Biography
Who was GeorgeWashington Carver?
- $10.00
- Nobody predicted George Washington Carver's success when he was born in Missouri in the 1860s. Slaves were not permitted to attend school.Carver returned to school after the Civil War and excelled as a student. He was the first black student and later the first black professor at Iowa State Agricultural College. He went on to Tuskegee Institute, where he studied…
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- Biography
Who was Nelson Mandela?
- $10.00
- He dreamed of transforming South Africa as a youngster, and as an adult, he transformed the world. Nelson Mandela spent his whole life fighting apartheid and advocating for a nonviolent revolution. He spent 27 years in jail before becoming the inspirational leader of the new South Africa. He went on to become the country's first black president and achieve his…
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- Education, Nyame & Mujasi
Why i love my mother
- $15.00
- A book about a son writing about his father. Mujasi was 5 years old when he wrote this book about his mother. The book is an excellent display of a son's love for her mother .
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- History
Wonderful Ethiopians ofThe Ancient Cushite Empire
- $15.00
- Our plot will revolve on the ancient Ethiopian Cushite kingdom, which spanned three continents and ruled for three thousand years. We shall travel to ancient Ethiopia, where "the gods delighted to banquet with the pious inhabitants." as Herodotus put it. We shall look at the history of the region and the ancient people. The "Old Race," which Petrie discovered in…
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- Politics
Wretched of The Earth
- $15.00
- The Wretched of the Earth is a great examination of colonial people's mentality and their route to independence. The book incisively attacks the twin perils of p ost-independence colonial politics: the disenfranchisement of the masses by the elites on the one hand, and intertribal and interfaith animosities on the other, providing unique insight into the rage and frustration of colonized…
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- History
- $40.00
- Yurugu dismantles the European mask and unveils the underlying workings of global white supremacy, a system that ensures Europe's and her successors' domination over the vast majority of the world's peoples. From an African viewpoint, examines the impact of European culture on the construction of contemporary institutional frameworks via colonialism and imperialism.
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